Transforming Masculinities (French)

January 1, 2017

Transforming Masculinities (French) | This guide is a useful tool to lead workshops with faith leaders as well as to train Gender Champions. It is designed to be interactive and self-reflective to enable participants to explore, discuss and reflect on their own attitudes, beliefs and behaviors regarding gender...

by hopsie

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Promotion de la planificationfamiliale par l’intermédiairede chefs religieuxUn Guide pour les communautés confessionnelles FRENCH

January 1, 2017

Ce “Plaidoyer pour la planification familiale par les chefs religieux : un guide pour les communautés religieuses”” est un guide qui vise à fournir un processus étape par étape sur la façon de mettre en place et de mener des formations de plaidoyer pour les chefs religieux, d’établir...

by hopsie

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Family Planning Messages for Faith Leaders

November 14, 2016

Christian Support for Family Planning: Messages for Christian Communities. These messages were developed in collaboration with faith leaders and are intended to help religious leaders advocate for family planning services and information and communicate support among Christians for family planning.

by hopsie

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November 14, 2016

Engage Disability India Engaging with Disability in the Church Toolkit: This toolkit is a guide for Christians to help them engage with children and adults with disability and their families. It seeks to empower our churches to become inclusive of children and adults with disability and their families...

by hopsie

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