Family Planning Messages for Faith Leaders

November 14, 2016

Christian Support for Family Planning: Messages for Christian Communities. These messages were developed in collaboration with faith leaders and are intended to help religious leaders advocate for family planning services and information and communicate support among Christians for family planning.

by hopsie

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November 14, 2016

Engage Disability India Engaging with Disability in the Church Toolkit: This toolkit is a guide for Christians to help them engage with children and adults with disability and their families. It seeks to empower our churches to become inclusive of children and adults with disability and their families...

by hopsie

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Faith and Stigma on Fast Track

March 1, 2016

A Framework for Taking Action | 2016 | Based on many years of experience working with faith communities on issues of stigma, the authors present a framework for taking action in support of UNAIDS 90-90-90 Fast Track targets for the year 2020. The authors conclude that reaching the...

by hopsie

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“Why Religious Leaders Must Be Involved in Family Planning”

January 1, 2016

Religious leaders from churches in Zambia share their views on why faith leaders should be involved in family planning. Leaders from the Anglican Church in Zambia, the Salvation Army, and the Church of God share how their organizations promote family planning, provide a forum for discussion and in...

by hopsie

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