Page of Resources related to the Family Planning Advocacy Guide (See block below)

January 1, 2018

“This “”Family Planning Advocacy Through Religious Leaders: A Guide for Faith Communities”” is accompanied by resources to help set up and conduct religious leader advocacy trainings, establish monitoring and evaluation systems, and realize your family planning advocacy goals.

by hopsie

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Kenyan Religious Leaders Commitment to Support Family Planning

January 1, 2018

Kenyan religious leaders wrote this statement of their support for family planning. The faith leaders proclaim their support for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies to protect the health of women and children; noting data revealing that planning and spacing pregnancies saves lives.

by hopsie

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November 14, 2017

Success story of faith leaders in Uganda as advocates dramatically increasing family planning knowledge.

by hopsie

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Future of the AIDS Epidemic

October 19, 2017

This video outlines the current state of the AIDS epidemic and what the situation will be in 2030 if we do not take advantage of current opportunities to stem the spread of HIV. It includes a trailer for a fictional documentary to be produced in 2030 depicting that...

by hopsie

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