Case Studies for Year 2 from the Christian Health Association of Kenya

January 1, 2019

Faith leaders reach a wide community with family planning advocacy in Kenya

by hopsie

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Pastoral Letter on teenage pregnancies from Church of Uganda,

January 1, 2019

The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda released two letters on family health issues in March 2019. This letter addresses teenage pregnancies, including the negative impact on girls’ education and the dangers of pregnancy to the adolescent body. The letter encourages youth to abstain from sexual relations, encourages...

by hopsie

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Case Studies for Year 2 …and the Churches Health Association of Zambia

January 1, 2019

Coordinated advocacy brings change in family planning kn Zambia. The Churches Health Association of Zambia’s (CHAZ)approach was to build the capacities of the CSOs in FP advocacy so they could advocate effectively to the government.

by hopsie

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Healing Together: A Facilitator’s Resource for Ecumenical Faith and Community-Based Counselling

January 1, 2019

Healing Together: A Facilitator’s Resource for Ecumenical Faith and Community-Based Counselling | 2019| Fulata Lusungu Moyo | World Council of Churches | Up to 80 percent of Africans are estimated to be traumatized as a result of violence, poverty, disease, natural disasters, and other causes. As a continent...

by hopsie

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