Faith in Time of Ebola (Swahili)

January 1, 2020

This resource is designed for church leaders in the DR Congo. It has two aims: To provide church leaders with clear, simple information about Ebola and the practical actions that need to be taken to bring the infection under control, and to offer theological resources taken from scripture...

by hopsie

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Accessible Hope International: Equip Training

November 14, 2019

Equip is the training and consulting arm of Accessible Hope International. Equip trains faith and ministry leaders in a theology of disability. They work alongside churches, ministries, and groups in developing countries who want to better prepare their leaders to embrace Jesus’ approach to disability, and learn how...

by hopsie

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Adherence Clubs: An Essential Strategy To Care for People Living with HIV Guidelines for Churches and Christian Ministries

October 1, 2019

An Essential Strategy To Care for People Living with HIV: Guidelines for Churches and Christian Ministries by LifeRise AIDS Resources | 2019 | Adherence clubs are an essential strategy to provide supportive care for PLWH to enable them to be stable on lifesaving HIV treatment (called “ART”) and...

by hopsie

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Church of Uganda Training Guide for Religious Leaders

January 1, 2019

The Church of Uganda developed a Training Handbook for Religious Leaders and Church Institutions which presents a Christian-based approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning, HIV/AIDS, and Sexual and Gender-based Violence.

by hopsie

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