World Vision’s: COVID-19: Guidance for Faith Communities
Faith leaders have a central role in guiding their members towards healthy behavior change and providing spiritual, pastoral and practical support to those in need. There are seven important actions that faith leaders and faith communities of all traditions can take to protect life, reduce the spread of...
Faith Leaders Speak Out on COVID-19 and Vaccination
This two-page educational sheet features quotes from faith leaders about COVID-19 and the importance of protecting yourself and your community from the disease through vaccination.
World Vision Guidance on How to COVID-19 mitigate fear and stigma
Resources on how faith communities can mitigate fear and stigma around COVID including helpful do’s and dont’s for communities.
Fact Sheet: A Christian Approach to Vaccine Hesitancy
The National Council of Churches produced a Fact Sheet: A Christian Approach to Vaccine Hesitancy to aid church and faith leaders in having courageous conversations about being vaccinated against COVID. The fact sheet also provides a scriptural basis for a compassionate response to vaccine hesitancy and provides responses...