WHO Zika factsheet

January 1, 2018

Information from the WHO on the Zika virus, available in Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish, Chinese.

by hopsie

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Webinar: Engaging Communities to Improve Maternal and Child Health

November 10, 2017

Engaging Communities to Improve Maternal and Child Health | December 2017 | Webinar featuring Henry Perry, MD, MPH, PhD, Senior Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Connie Gates, MPH, Jamkhed International – North America. Many Christian programs have been pioneers of the principles and practice...

by hopsie

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Engaging Communities to Improve Maternal and Child Health

January 1, 2017

Many Christian programs have been pioneers of the principles and practice of community-based primary health care (CBPHC). These experiences also influenced and informed WHO, resulting in the international Conference in Alma Ata and its Declaration in 1978, which put PHC on the global health agenda. Christian organizations continue...

by hopsie

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Just and Lasting Change

November 10, 2016

Just and Lasting Change: When Communities Own Their Futures | 2016, Second Edition | Daniel Taylor and Carl Taylor | How can public health workers, policy experts, and medical professionals work with members of developing nations to promote social change in rapid, cost-effective, and locally appropriate ways? In...

by hopsie

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