How Family Planning Methods Work | A tool for low-literacy populations. Kisii

November 14, 2019

A low literacy book in Kisii which provides simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, how each method works and what you can expect.

by hopsie

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Setting up Community Health and Development Programmes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

November 14, 2019

Setting up Community Health and Development Programmes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries | 2019 | Ted Lankester and Nathan Grills | This book illustrates how to start, develop, and maintain a health care program in poor areas across the world. The focus is on the community, and how...

by hopsie

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Webinar: Ending Violence Against Children: The Role of Community Health Workers

November 10, 2019

Ending Violence Against Children: The Role of Community Health Workers | October 2019 | Tom Davis, Jr, Global Sector Lead for Health and Nutrition at World Vision International shared findings from a ground-breaking survey recently conducted by World Vision International with 412 community health workers (CHWs) in four...

by hopsie

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Endline Report of the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau Community-Based Family Planning Project

January 1, 2019

In December 2017, the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) was awarded a one-year cooperative funding agreement from USAID through Advancing Partners and Communities (APC) to implement a project to integrate community-based family planning (FP) into the Anglican Church of Uganda’s health structures and health facilities. Based on available...

by hopsie

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