20 Essential Resources on Social Norms and Family Planning.

January 1, 2020

20 Essential Resources on Social Norms and Family Planning from the Knowledge Success Program supported by USAID and implemented by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

by hopsie

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Community Mental Health in India – even in times of COVID, by Karen Matthias

January 1, 2020

Presentation on March 25, 2020 by Kaaren Mathias, MBBS, PhD, Mental Health Programme Manager for Emmanuel Hospital Association in India on Community Mental Health in India – even in times of COVID, by Karen Matthias.

by hopsie

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How Family Planning Methods Work | A tool for low-literacy populations. Meru

November 14, 2019

A low literacy book in Kimeru which provides simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, how each method works and what you can expect.

by hopsie

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How Family Planning Methods Work | A tool for low-literacy populations. Swahili

November 14, 2019

A low literacy book in Kiswahili which provides simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, how each method works and what you can expect.

by hopsie

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