Post-Ebola Recovery Toolkit

January 1, 2018

This toolkit is a resource for organizations and individuals involved in recovery efforts in the period following an infectious disease outbreak, such as the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016. Its goal is to provide governments, donors, NGOs, and survivor groups with guidance and...

by hopsie

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WHO Zika factsheet

January 1, 2018

Information from the WHO on the Zika virus, available in Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish, Chinese.

by hopsie

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CCIH Network Zika Virus Response

January 1, 2017

This is a summary report from 2017 of CCIH members’ responded to the Zika virus. They include: providing bed nets, educating communities, reducing the mosquito population, treating people infected with Zika, providing family planning services to women who want to avoid pregnancy due to harmful complications from Zika...

by hopsie

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Americares Webinar: Zika: What You Need to Know

January 1, 2016

AmeriCares held a webinar in 2016 on the Zika virus and how local communities are dealing with the risks and dangers of the virus. AmeriCares covered what was happening at that time, how Zika is spread, how to recognize symptoms and how a clinic in El Salvador on...

by hopsie

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