Christian Health Associations Share their Experience with CCIH’s OCA Tool
In 2021, CCIH played a key role in strengthening faith-based organizations as part of two USAID-funded programs, working with several partners to complete the Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA). This blog by CCIH Intern Brittany Hnida shares some different viewpoints and experiences from individuals and organizations that have used...
Nonprofit Management Training from NonprofitReady.
Nonprofit Management Training from NonprofitReady. Its mission is to enable nonprofit professionals and volunteers to develop their career and do more good by providing high quality, relevant online learning resources at no cost.
CCIH Health System Strengthening Focus Group Kenya
CCIH Health System Strengthening Focus Groups. CCIH hosted faith-based organizations based in Malawi and Kenya to discuss health systems strengthening from a faith perspective in April and May 2019. The goals of the meetings were to share and learn through an honest and open dialogue with other faith-based...
CCIH Health System Strengthening Focus Group Malawi
CCIH Health System Strengthening Focus Groups. CCIH hosted faith-based organizations based in Malawi and Kenya to discuss health systems strengthening from a faith perspective in April and May 2019. The goals of the meetings were to share and learn through an honest and open dialogue with other faith-based...