The other session was on How Can the Family Planning Community Work Better with Faith Communities to Reach the Last Mile

January 1, 2018

The other session was on How Can the Family Planning Community Work Better with Faith Communities to Reach the Last Mile and featured Dr. Alma Crumm Golden, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, USAID, and Mr. Douglas Nsibambi, Community Engagement Officer, Advancing Partners and Communities project,...

by hopsie

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Transforming Masculinities (Portugues)

January 1, 2018

Transforming Masculinities (Portuguese) | This guide is a useful tool to lead workshops with faith leaders as well as to train Gender Champions. It is designed to be interactive and self-reflective to enable participants to explore, discuss and reflect on their own attitudes, beliefs and behaviors regarding gender...

by hopsie

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Video: Strengthening Family Planning with Faith Based Organizations in Uganda

January 1, 2018

The Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) and the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB), in collaboration with the Institute for Reproductive Health (IRH) at Georgetown University, used a systems approach to strengthen their family planning capacity. Results of this project suggest that FBOs can meaningfully contribute to national and...

by hopsie

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Emergency Survival Guide for Leaders: Faith that Leads the Way and Calms the Storm

January 1, 2018

In this thought-provoking webinar we hear from two global health leaders, author and Senior Fellow Emeritus at MSH Dr. Jonathan Quick and Carrie Hessler-Radelet, President & CEO of Project Concern International and former Peace Corps Director about how their faith helped them during the challenges they faced in...

by hopsie

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