Kenyan Religious Leaders Commitment to Support Family Planning
Kenyan religious leaders wrote this statement of their support for family planning. The faith leaders proclaim their support for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies to protect the health of women and children; noting data revealing that planning and spacing pregnancies saves lives.
Webinar: Global Nutrition and the Work of Faith Groups from Programs to Policy
One of the most well-known Bible verses “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,” (Matthew 25:35) implies that we serve Jesus himself when we feed the hungry. What does feeding the hungry look like...
The Role of the Church and People of Faith in HIV/AIDS
Faith leaders can play a powerful role in reducing stigma associated with HIV/AIDS and encourage testing, treatment and prevention and save many lives as a result. And Christians can use their voices to speak up for those at risk and already affected by HIV/AIDS. In this webinar, David...
“Anglican Church of Uganda Helps Families Time and Space Pregnancies”
The Anglican Church of Uganda helps protect the health of mothers and children by educating communities on family planning and providing family planning care in its clinics in Uganda. Reverend Moses Kayimba and Reverend Moses Ssemugooma discuss their views on family planning in this video. Agnes, a family...