Health Promoting Churches Volume 1 (Links to English, French and Spanish)

November 14, 2022

Health Promoting Churches | Reflections for Commemorative Health Days | 2020 | Dr. Mwai Makoka, World Council of Churches | These reflections have been prepared for Christian congregations to use for reflection on commemorative days. The reflections are short enough to be read during a church service on...

by hopsie

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The Church for Whole Person Healing website

November 14, 2022

The Church for Whole Person Healing: How our faith and congregation can promote whole person health and healing. The site is a compilation of resources from Dr. E. Anthony Allen, author, theologian, retired Psychiatrist and considered a founder of the Whole Person Ministry in Jamaica.

by hopsie

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The Healing Church. The Tübingen Consultation 1964, WCC, Geneva 1965 (World Council Studies 3), 34-43.

November 14, 2022

The Healing Church. The Tübingen Consultation | This classic discussion of the intersection between faith and the role of the Christian church in healing, “The Healing Church,” was a product of the Tübingen Consultation in 1964 and released by the World Council of Churches in 1965. It contains...

by hopsie

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Best Practices in Global Health Missions

November 14, 2022

Best Practices in Global Health Missions | This site of best practices was produced by an international working group of Christian scholars, leaders and practitioners from diverse backgrounds seeking to promote best practices guidelines for the planning, execution, integration and follow-through of cross-cultural health missions.

by hopsie

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