Healing and the Church: What Is Our Calling?

January 1, 2019

Helping people become healthy is at the very heart of the Church’s calling. It is how Jesus conducted His ministry while on earth. In this webinar held September 18, 2019, we discussed what health means from a Christian perspective and how the Church can respond to emotional and...

by hopsie

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How Family Planning Methods Work | A tool for low-literacy populations.English

January 1, 2019

A low literacy book in English which provides simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, how each method works and what you can expect.

by hopsie

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Case Studies for Year 2 from the Christian Health Association of Kenya

January 1, 2019

Faith leaders reach a wide community with family planning advocacy in Kenya

by hopsie

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What Works To Prevent Sexual Violence Against Children

January 1, 2019

What Works To Prevent Sexual Violence Against Children | Together for Girls, in partnership with The Equality Institute and the Oak Foundation, undertook a systematic review of proven solutions and best practices to prevent and respond to sexual violence against children and youth (SVAC). The review was completed...

by hopsie

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