Respectful Maternity Care: What Is It and How Do We Achieve It?
Mistreatment in childbirth violates the fundamental obligation of a health system to provide support and healing in childbirth, can cause lasting emotional trauma, and goes against our Christian calling to provide compassionate care. What is driving mistreatment during childbirth, one of the most important times a woman needs...
Pastoral Letter on teenage pregnancies from Church of Uganda,
The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda released two letters on family health issues in March 2019. This letter addresses teenage pregnancies, including the negative impact on girls’ education and the dangers of pregnancy to the adolescent body. The letter encourages youth to abstain from sexual relations, encourages...
“Empowering Parents To Plan Their Families and Overcome Poverty in Pakistan”
In this story, Dr. Ashchenaz Lall, Director of the Christian Hospital Taxila in Punjab, Pakistan explains why women may be reluctant to use family planning in his country. “This is a male dominated society, and women don’t have much power in deciding the number of children they have,”...
Tools to Help You Bring Family Planning to Communities
To encourage uptake of voluntary family planning services, communities need to understand their options and what is being offered. This webinar explored practical tools to inform communities in language they can understand of the variety of choices they have to time and space pregnancies and how you can...