Advancing Family Planning in Last Mile Communities: Voices of Experiences
The USAID-funded Advancing Partners and Communities (APC) project worked with grantee CCIH to conduct a workshop in September 2019 to explore priority gapes in rolling out voluntary family planning and programming in last-mile communities, where access and use remain low; how programs can link the work of community...
Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services ‘Know Your Numbers’ Campaign taking Centre Stage in NCD Fight
Recently, through a novel approach designed by the CBC Health Services, sensitization and screening for NCDs has gained steam in the public health sector in Cameroon. This is known as the “Know Your Numbers (KYN)” Campaign. KYN is an awareness and screening mechanism for NCDs. It is intended...
Webinar: Respectful Maternity Care: What Is It? And How Can We Achieve It?
Mistreatment in childbirth violates the fundamental obligation of a health system to provide support and healing in childbirth, can cause lasting emotional trauma, and goes against our Christian calling to provide compassionate care. What is driving mistreatment during childbirth, one of the most important times a woman needs...
Endline Report of the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau Community-Based Family Planning Project
In December 2017, the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) was awarded a one-year cooperative funding agreement from USAID through Advancing Partners and Communities (APC) to implement a project to integrate community-based family planning (FP) into the Anglican Church of Uganda’s health structures and health facilities. Based on available...