Center for Theory of Change website
The Center for Theory of Change is a non-profit organization established to promote quality standards and best practice for the development and implementation of Theory of Change, with a particular focus on its use and application in the areas of international development, sustainability, education, human rights and social...
USAID Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Toolkits
USAID MEL Toolkits: MEL and Collaborating, Learning and Adaptive (CLA) Toolkits from the USAID Learning Lab provide USAID staff and partners with the resources to plan, implement and integrate monitoring, evaluating and CLA-related practices into USAID programming.
Framework for Trauma Response Programming from Mennonite Central Committee
Mennonite Central Committee developed a Framework for Trauma Response Programming, incorporating Development, Peace and Health. Paul Shelter Fast, MCC, presented this framework at the 2020 CCIH Virtual Conference. There are links to many resources included in this framework.
Thrive Worldwide Resources for Mental Health
Thrive Worldwide has resources on dealing with anxiety, COVID-19, supporting healthcare workers and more.