How Family Planning Methods Work | A tool for low-literacy populations. Meru

November 14, 2019

A low literacy book in Kimeru which provides simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, how each method works and what you can expect.

by hopsie

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How Family Planning Methods Work | A tool for low-literacy populations. Swahili

November 14, 2019

A low literacy book in Kiswahili which provides simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, how each method works and what you can expect.

by hopsie

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How Family Planning Methods Work | A tool for low-literacy populations. French

November 14, 2019

A low literacy book in French which provides simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, how each method works and what you can expect.

by hopsie

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How Family Planning Methods Work | A tool for low-literacy populations. Luganda

November 14, 2019

A low literacy book in Luganda which provides simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, how each method works and what you can expect.

by hopsie

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