The Story of Coronavirus: Community Health Workers video

January 1, 2021

This two-minute video produced by the Global Health Media Project shows how COVID-19 is transmitted and how people can protect themselves. It is designed for Community Health Workers to share with others.

by hopsie

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January 1, 2021

Faith leaders and representatives from FBOs discussed how they support family planning for healthy communities, and how faith-based organizations are working to deliver family planning and address issues, such as sexual and gender-based violence, which have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

by hopsie

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Hesperian Zika Fact Sheet and Illustrations – Haitian Creole

January 1, 2021

Hesperian developed a fact sheet with illustrations that is easily understood by the layperson on Zika, its symptoms, and how to take personal and community-wide precautions to limit its spread. It is available in a number of languages to ensure the information reaches the people who need it...

by hopsie

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“Church Leaders Helping to Boost Family Planning” by Reverend Samuel Njung’e and Reverend Samuel Wainaina

January 1, 2021

Two Reverends from Murang’a County Kenya share about the work of church leaders in family planning in The Standard, a Kenyan newspaper.

by hopsie

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