Hesperian Zika Fact Sheet and Illustrations – Portuguese

January 1, 2021

Hesperian developed a fact sheet with illustrations that is easily understood by the layperson on Zika, its symptoms, and how to take personal and community-wide precautions to limit its spread. It is available in a number of languages to ensure the information reaches the people who need it...

by hopsie

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World Vision Guidance on How to COVID-19 mitigate fear and stigma

January 1, 2021

Resources on how faith communities can mitigate fear and stigma around COVID including helpful do’s and dont’s for communities.

by hopsie

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X Marks the Spot: Improving What We Know About the Scope and Scale of Christian Health Services

January 1, 2021

We know Christian health services play a major role in bringing health and healing to people in need, especially in rural areas, urban slums or other marginalized communities, yet it is difficult to measure the impact. This webinar framed the challenges and opportunities for Christian health asset mapping,...

by hopsie

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Case Studies for Year 4 from the Christian Health Association of Kenya

January 1, 2021

Encouraging male involvement in family planning: Engaging Muslims in Kilifi County through faith advocacy

by hopsie

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