World Vision’s: COVID-19: Guidance for Faith Communities

January 1, 2021

Faith leaders have a central role in guiding their members towards healthy behavior change and providing spiritual, pastoral and practical support to those in need. There are seven important actions that faith leaders and faith communities of all traditions can take to protect life, reduce the spread of...

by hopsie

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Masculinité, Famille et Foi: Promising Shifts In Norms to Support Family Planning in Faith Communities

January 1, 2021

Endline Results Brief from Passages Project | The Passages Project recently released its endline results brief for Masculinité, Famille, et Foi (MFF). The MFF project, an adaptation of the Tearfund-developed ‘Transforming Masculinities’ approach implemented from 2015-2020, worked within faith communities and with faith leaders to promote positive masculinities...

by hopsie

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Strategic Engagement of Religious Leaders in COVID Vaccination

January 1, 2021

In this webinar co-hosted by World Vision and CCIH on October 12, 2021, we explored how faith leaders influence vaccination uptake and how we can engage them for even greater impact. The panel included: Mike Odera, Vice President, Resource Development, World Vision; Ellyn W. Ogden, MPH, COVID-19 Vaccine...

by hopsie

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Johns Hopkins University COVID Communication Network.

January 1, 2021

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health curates COVID-19 Communication and Behavior Change Resources in the COVID Communication Network

by hopsie

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