SCOPE Faith Leader Engagement Curricula

January 1, 2021

The Faith Leader Engagement Curriculum produced as part of the USAID-funded SCOPE project consists of the following resources: Making Our Communities Better: Helping faith leaders and faith communities understand their role in community development and to envision how improving the health of families, especially mothers and their children,...

by hopsie

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Practical Approaches for Community-based Mental Health

January 1, 2021

In this webinar featuring mental health experts from the faith community, we discussed the powerful role of faith leaders and communities in influencing attitudes on mental health, reducing stigma, and the special role of faith in mental health, especially in the low- and middle-income country context. The discussion...

by hopsie

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Bloom Library book: A Family’s Experience with COVID-19 at Home

January 1, 2021

A book with easily understood and accurate guidance for families and communities who must care for COVID-19 patients at home without medical help which can be adapted into other languages.

by hopsie

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Report from Surveys of the Faith Community COVID Response

January 1, 2021

To identify how faith-based organizations are using their unique skills, assets and partnership to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, and uncover unmet needs they face in their response, CCIH and the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI) circulated a survey through their networks in April...

by hopsie

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