Recommended Practices for Religious Communities to Address HIV-Related Stigma, a Dave Barstow Presentation
CCIH member Dr. David Barstow presented in November 2021 at the International Conference on Stigma on “Recommended Practices for Religious Communities to Address HIV-Related Stigma: A Review of Training Materials for Religious Leaders.” He put together 13 practices after reviewing a variety of materials about HIV for faith...
Channels of Hope Curriculum
World Vision International’s Channels of Hope trains and equips faith leaders and other community members to break down walls between faiths and in their own communities to respond to serious issues, such as HIV/AIDS, and promote the well-being of all in the community—especially the most vulnerable.
Faith-Based Advocacy for Family Planning Works: Evidence From Kenya and Zambia
This article describes an initiative to increase policy and financial commitment for FP and increase community support for FP through advocacy by predominantly Christian religious leaders in Kenya and Zambia in partnership with their health-related FBOs.
Faith and COVID-19 Vaccines Analysis Matrix: Engaging Faith actors in COVID-19 vaccine rollout
This guide from the Joint Learning Initiative (JLI) on Faith and Local Communities, Georgetown University Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs and World Faiths Development Dialogue offers a series of questions for different actors to ask, allowing for context-specific analysis and solutions, and to act as...