The Business Case for Faith-based Health Systems (En Espanol / Spanish)

January 1, 2022

Los países no pueden alcanzar los principales objetivos de salud sin incluir socios de salud basados ​​en la fe. En este seminario web, realizado el 18 de mayo de 2022, exploramos las ventajas de las organizaciones religiosas en la salud. Se sabe que brindan atención holística y de...

by hopsie

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Centers for Disease Control Resources for NTD

January 1, 2022

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) include several parasitic, viral, and bacterial diseases that cause substantial illness for more than one billion people globally. This collection of resources includes publications, manuscripts and more.

by hopsie

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The Right Place at the Right Time: What We Learned from Supply Chain Strengthening of Six Faith-based Drug Supply Organizations

January 1, 2022

On August 24, 2022, we explored lessons learned through a faith-based supply chain strengthening program in three countries: Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria. Six faith-based drug supply organizations (DSOs) participated in a supply chain strengthening activity supported by USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership. These organizations underwent a supply...

by hopsie

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Reaching Boys and Men

December 17, 2021

This short film explores how Health Policy Plus (HP+) collaborated with Malawi’s six religious mother bodies to implement PEPFAR’s Faith and Community Initiative (FCI) in eight of Malawi’s districts. Through FCI, religious leaders incorporated PEPFAR Messages of Hope—accurate HIV messages that correspond with religious texts from the Bible...

by hopsie

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