FP2030 website
Family Planning 2030 (FP2030) is a global partnership that supports the rights of women and girls to decide, freely, and for themselves, whether, when, and how many children they want to have.
High Impact Practices (HIPs)
Family Planning High Impact Practices (HIP). HIPs are a set of evidence-based family planning practices vetted by experts against specific criteria and documented in an easy-to-use format. HIPs help programs focus resources for greatest impact.
Faith Plus Youth Training Manual
This training manual was developed to train youth in churches and mosques in Malawi to guide young people to lead a good life, be happy and to get the best out of life. This publication intends to promote better communication between young people and their parents, faith leaders,...
Equipping Faith Leaders to Communicate about Sexual and Reproductive Health from Christian and Muslim Perspectives: Participant Handbook
Equipping Faith Leaders to Communicate about Sexual and Reproductive Health from Christian and Muslim Perspectives. Participant Handbook for the five day-long workshops on a variety of topics related to reproductive health.