The Union Courses Online by The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease compiled these resources through outreach to networks of the Union Maternal and Child TB working group, the WHO Childhood TB Subgroup, and other partners.
Centers for Disease Control Tuberculosis (TB) resources
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a collection of Tuberculosis Resources
Leprosy Summary and Sermon Notes (Pamphlet)
The Alliance Development Trust in Sri Lanka developed a pamphlet about Leprosy.
Leprosy Summary (Sermon Notes)
The Alliance Development Trust in Sri Lanka developed sermon notes about Leprosy for its Leprosy Awareness Sunday to raise awareness of the disease, educate communities about Leprosy and reduce stigma by relating Bible verses and themes to care and acceptance of people with Leprosy.