Children’s AIDS Fund Smart Choices Peer Facilitator Guide Part II (10-14)

January 7, 2009

10 – 14-year-olds Facilitator Guide: Part 2

by hopsie

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Children’s AIDS Fund Smart Choices Peer Facilitator Guide Part I (10-14)

January 6, 2009

10 – 14-year-olds Facilitator Guide: Part 1

by hopsie

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Children’s AIDS Fund Smart Choices: Student (10-14) Workbook

January 5, 2009

A student workbook to be filled out by students aged 10 – 14years old learning about building an AIDS Free Generation.

by hopsie

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Children’s AIDS Fund Smart Choices: Faithfulness Guide Part III

January 4, 2009

Part 3 of the Guide highlights the importance of Temperment and Communication for couples.

by hopsie

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