Engaging Faith Leaders in Family Planning
This resource was developed by Adrienne Allison and Elizabeth Foulkes of World Vision US to provide a review of the available literature about the work of faith-based organizations to engage faith leaders in family planning education and advocacy.
Video Christians and Immunization: Exploring Religious Objections
Christians and Immunization: Exploring Religious Objections | 2014 | This video features Dr. Richard Lane, MD, MPH. At the time of the video, Dr. Lane was Director of the Department of Public and Community Health at Liberty University. In the video he addresses reports of religious objections to...
Video: Christians Reaching the Unreached with Vaccines
Christians Reaching the Unreached with Vaccines in Nigeria | 2014 | This video features Dr. Daniel Gobgab, MD, MPH, at the time of the interview was the Secretary General of the Christian Health Association of Nigeria. Dr. Gobgab describes how CHAN members reach people, especially in hard-to-reach areas,...
Christian Organizations Deliver Life Saving Vaccines
Christian Organization Delivers Life-Saving Vaccines | 2014 | A piece on the work of the Bishop Masereka Christian Foundation to provide vaccines to children and mothers in Uganda appeared on the website of the Christian publication Sojourners.