Clean Clinic Approach (Spanish)

January 1, 2016

Las condiciones y prácticas inseguras de agua, saneamiento e higiene (WASH) desalientan a las personas a buscar atención en los establecimientos de salud. Este resumen de dos páginas explica el Enfoque de Clínica Limpia de MCSP, una herramienta programática que alienta a los establecimientos de salud a establecer...

by hopsie

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Strengthening of Partnerships between the Public Sector and Faith-based Groups

November 14, 2015

Strengthening of Partnerships between the Public Sector and Faith-based Groups | Jean Duff and Warren Buckingham | July 2015 | The Lancet | Drawing from both development and faith perspectives, this paper examines trends that could ground powerful, more sustainable partnerships and identifies new opportunities for collaboration based...

by hopsie

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Understanding the Roles of Faith-based Health-care Providers in Africa: Review of the Evidence with a Focus on Magnitude, Reach, Cost and Satisfaction

November 14, 2015

Understanding the Roles of Faith-based Health-care Providers in Africa: Review of the Evidence with a Focus on Magnitude, Reach, Cost and Satisfaction | Jill Olivier, Clarence Tsimpo, Regina Gemignani, Mari Shojo, Harold Coulombe, Frank Dimmock et al. | July 2015 | The Lancet | This article reviews a...

by hopsie

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November 14, 2015

FingerTalk, a South African start-up company, launched a free app that enables people who are deaf or hard of hearing to learn and communicate in sign language

by hopsie

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