Hand in hand Bible studies to transform our response to sexual violence (French)

January 1, 2016

(French) Hand in hand: Bible studies to transform our response to sexual violence (English) | This booklet contains 12 Bible studies covering a range of topics related to sexual violence. The booklet includes guidance for facilitators and advice on adapting the Bible studies for use as sermons. This...

by hopsie

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“Why Religious Leaders Must Be Involved in Family Planning”

January 1, 2016

Religious leaders from churches in Zambia share their views on why faith leaders should be involved in family planning. Leaders from the Anglican Church in Zambia, the Salvation Army, and the Church of God share how their organizations promote family planning, provide a forum for discussion and in...

by hopsie

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How Self-Help Groups Strengthen Resilience: Tackling Food Insecurity in Protracted Cases in Ethiopia

January 1, 2016

In 2015 and 2016, Ethiopia experienced two consecutive years of drought, induced by an El Niño event. This affected a large proportion of the population, as many rural communities depend partly or entirely on rain-fed agriculture and livestock rearing. Access to financial resources and other support mechanisms is...

by hopsie

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Supportive Care for people living with HIV/AIDS

January 1, 2016

Once people who are HIV-infected start on treatment, they must stay on it for life. Treatment has 2 main benefits: 1) improves the health of the person living with HIV; 2) prevents transmission of the virus to others. HIV treatment for all PLWH means that the core of...

by hopsie

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