Just and Lasting Change

November 10, 2016

Just and Lasting Change: When Communities Own Their Futures | 2016, Second Edition | Daniel Taylor and Carl Taylor | How can public health workers, policy experts, and medical professionals work with members of developing nations to promote social change in rapid, cost-effective, and locally appropriate ways? In...

by hopsie

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Faith and Stigma on Fast Track

March 1, 2016

A Framework for Taking Action | 2016 | Based on many years of experience working with faith communities on issues of stigma, the authors present a framework for taking action in support of UNAIDS 90-90-90 Fast Track targets for the year 2020. The authors conclude that reaching the...

by hopsie

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“Success Story: Training Religious Leaders as Family Planning/HTSP Advocates “

January 1, 2016

With support from USAID’s Advancing Partners and Communities project, CCIH worked with its partner the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau to educate religious leaders on family planning/HTSP and train them to advocate for family planning among Christians, within their congregations and communities. After the training, religious leaders had significantly...

by hopsie

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Hand in hand Bible studies to transform our response to sexual violence (French)

January 1, 2016

(French) Hand in hand: Bible studies to transform our response to sexual violence (English) | This booklet contains 12 Bible studies covering a range of topics related to sexual violence. The booklet includes guidance for facilitators and advice on adapting the Bible studies for use as sermons. This...

by hopsie

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