Improving health and gender equality among very young adolescents: Harnessing the power of FBOs
In this webinar sponsored by USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership we explored how two faith-based organizations in Bangladesh implemented gender transformative approaches to improve health and gender equality among very young adolescents (VYAs), their families, and communities. Representatives from World Renew and LAMB shared their experiences implementing...
Improving health and gender equality among very young adolescents: Harnessing the power of FBOs (Francais/ French)
Le webinaire a montré comment deux organisations confessionnelles au Bangladesh ont mis en œuvre des approches transformatrices en matière de genre pour améliorer la santé et l’égalité des sexes chez les très jeunes adolescents (VYA), leurs familles et leurs communautés. PRÉSENTATEURS: Dr Bapon Mankhin, Directeur, Programme de développement...
Intersections between polyvictimisation and mental health among adolescents in five urban disadvantaged settings: the role of gender
Intersections between polyvictimisation and mental health among adolescents in five urban disadvantaged settings: the role of gender | 2017 | BMC Public Health | Polyvictimisation (PV) – exposure to violence across multiple contexts – causes considerable morbidity and mortality among adolescents. Despite high levels of violence in urban...
Singing to the Lions Toolkit (Available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic)
Singing to the Lions Toolkit | Catholic Relief Services (CRS) released this toolkit to help people recover from traumatic events. It is available in English, Spanish, French and Arabic. It was developed in Zimbabwe by a child psychologist.