Upcoming Events

CCIH holds regular quarterly forums for members to enable discussion and shared learning, as well as public webinars and in-person events.



Webinar: Mapping Christian Health Worker Training Institutes: Insights and Opportunities for Global Impact

April 2 at 9 am US EDT / 1 pm GMT

We are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking initiative by the Christian Health Asset Mapping Consortium—a global effort to map Christian Health Worker Training Institutes (HWTIs). Two healthcare system experts have compiled a comprehensive database of 1,365 HWTIs, capturing key details such as location, website, denomination, church affiliation, and 18 unique degree programs. Notably, 634 of these institutions are in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), highlighting their crucial role in strengthening healthcare systems worldwide.

This webinar will showcase the findings and explore how this valuable data can be leveraged to support, connect, and empower the global Christian health workforce. Join us as we discuss the potential impact of this initiative and ways to advance faith-based healthcare education and training on a global scale.

Register Here

Member-Only Forum: Academic and Research Partnerships

April 8 at 9 am US EDT / 1 pm GMT

Join this CCIH forum to meet university and nonprofit representatives to hear their partnership interests and experiences. We’ll discuss how partnerships with universities can increase success in service, training, and research in Christian global health.

During the meeting, we will:

– Hear from various individuals and universities about their interests and contributions in global health.
– Discuss innovative approaches and challenges.
– Identify synergies and explore avenues for partnership to maximize our collective impact.

Contact Mollie.Bond (at) ccih.org to register.

Forum Francophone : La Réponse aux Catastrophes

23 avril à 11 h GMT / 7 h US EDT

Le CCIH organisera une discussion pour les membres francophones sur la réponse aux catastrophes. Nous parlerons des stratégies que l’on peut employer pour se préparer aux catastrophes, de la manière dont on peut établir des partenariats à l’avance, ainsi que d’autres idées pour aider les organisations confessionnelles à être prêtes à répondre rapidement. Envoyez un courriel à Kathy .Erb (a) ccih.org pour vous inscrire.


Save the Date for the CCIH 2025 Conference!

June 9-11 at Catholic University in Washington, DC

Change Agents for All

Our theme this year is Change Agents for All. Faith actors are change agents: those preaching from the pulpit and lay leaders in communities. They provide care and use their voices for integral mission: demonstration and proclamation including health equity and justice, advocacy, resilience, being salt and light locally and globally. Learn more about registration and more

CCIH Event Code of Conduct

All participants in events organized by CCIH must agree to abide by CCIH’s Code of Conduct.