
Christian Health Networks Call for Vaccine Equity

February 26, 2021


CCIH joined other Christian health organizations, service providers and networks to appeal for global equity and solidarity in access to COVID-19 vaccines. We are grateful for the remarkable swiftness of developing safe and effective vaccines that are expected to help bring the pandemic under control. In particular, we commend the public financing to the pharmaceutical industry for research and development that has helped to make this possible. We are concerned however with the emerging trend of rich countries hoarding excess doses to vaccinate their entire populations two or more times over, inflating vaccine prices for poor countries and the overall picture of low or no vaccinations in low-income countries. We are equally concerned that even in rich countries, racial/ethnic minorities and low-income persons are being marginalized in access to the vaccines. Providing vaccines for all must be part of a global plan to end the pandemic. A global response based on solidarity and equity must be everyone’s interest.

See the Statement

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