“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

The CCIH 2024 Regional Meeting is taking place May 21-23, 2024 at Brackenhurst Conference Centre in Limuru, Kenya. Our theme is Mental Health Matters: Speaking Up for Mental Health in Christian Communities. The meeting is co-hosted by the Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) and SIL, Anglo-Lusophone Africa.

Speaker Bios

Day 1: 21 May

9:00 am to 10:45 am

Worship: Victor Otieno, Pastoral Assistant, Lavington Vineyard Church

Devotion: The Rt. Reverend Charles Kaskan Asilutwa, Anglican Church of Kenya, Bishop of Maseno North, CHAK Board Chair

Rt Reverend Bishop Charles Asilutwa is the 4th Bishop of Anglican Church of Kenya Diocese of Maseno North. He is the current Chair of the Board of Directors of Missions for Essential Drugs and  Supplies (MEDS ). He is the chair of the Board Trustees for CHAK and the current Chair of CHAK Board (ECXO). He is a focused and committed servant of God and a great leader who serves with humility and dedication. He is a family man married to a beautiful woman and are blessed with 3 children. He graduated from St Paul’s University with a bachelor’s degree in Divinity and is currently pursuing his Master’s programme.

Welcome: Mr. Doug Fountain, Executive Director, CCIH

Mr. Doug Fountain serves as CCIH Executive Director. Doug brings over 30 years of experience in health services planning, research, and evaluation and over 20 years in the faith-based and international development sectors. He served in Executive Leadership at Medical Teams International, a relief-focused NGO, and with Uganda Christian University, where he lived for over eight years. He helped start the Christian Health Asset Mapping Consortium, the Christian Journal for Global Health, and the Faculty of Health Sciences at Uganda Christian University.

Kenya Ministry of Health Priorities in Mental Health: Dr. Mercy Karanja, Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr. Mercy Karanja is a Consultant Psychiatrist working with the Ministry of Health currently serving as the Director of Mental Health, where she is responsible for providing overall institutional leadership and c is a Consultant Psychiatrist working with the Ministry of Health currently serving as the Director of Mental Health, where she is responsible for providing overall institutional leadership and c

USAID Priorities and Lessons Learned in Mental Health services in East Africa: Dr. Diana Kemunto Nyamweya, Project Management Specialist – HIV Adolescents, Office of Health, Population and Nutrition, USAID

Dr. Diana Kemunto Nyamweya, Project Management Specialist – HIV Adolescents, Office of Health, Population and Nutrition, USAID: Dr. Diana Kemunto serves as Project Management Specialist-HIV Adolescents for USAID Kenya/East Africa. She is a medical doctor and a public health specialist managing the adolescent HIV portfolio. She holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) degree from the University of Nairobi and a Masters in Public Health (Non-Communicable Diseases) from the University of Edinburgh. She has been in the field of HIV programming for over a decade and is a Mental Health Champion at the USAID KEA Health, Population and Nutrition Office. In this capacity she continues to  work closely with other agencies and the Division of Mental Health in Kenya to advance the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) integration agenda.

Announcements: Ms. Mona Bormet, Program Director, CCIH

Ms. Mona Bormet, MPH, CHES serves as Program Director for CCIH. Mona directs a global portfolio of initiatives that improve timely access to quality health services in communities and facilities, by working with faith-based partners and CCIH members around the world. Ms. Bormet has been on the CCIH staff since 2010, first focused on US advocacy efforts. Previously, Mona served as Advocacy Program Specialist for the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum. She received the American Public Health Association International Health Section Mid-Career Award in 2023.

11:15 am to 1:00 pm Session #1 Mental Health Services in Health Facilities

Facilitator: Mrs. Nkatha Njeru, CEO, Africa Christian Health Associations Platform (ACHAP): Nkatha Njeru, MPH is an experienced public health professional who has worked with the faith sector in Kenya and regionally for approximately 20 years. She has extensive experience in health systems strengthening, organizational capacity strengthening, policy formulation, strategic planning, human resources for health, as well as health financing. ACHAP is an umbrella organization for Christian Health Associations (CHA) with membership in more than 30 African countries whose mandate is to support healthcare systems of CHA members.

Presenters and Discussion Facilitators:

Dr. Elijah Terer, Family Medicine Consultant, Africa Inland Church (AIC) Litein Mission Hospital: Dr. Elijah Terer is a Christian leader who has dedicated his life and entire career to Church health ministry. He is a consultant Family physician with many years of clinical practice. Dr. Terer has demonstrated a passion for mental health and is championing the establishment of mental health services in Church Hospitals.

Dr. Matthew Loftus, Family Physician, Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), Chogoria Hospital: Dr. Matthew Loftus is a family physician who teaches at Kabarak University’s Family Medicine Residency at PCEA Chogoria Hospital. He was the director of the AIC Litein Hospital’s Tumaini Clinic from 2018 to 2023. He teaches medical professionals through inpatient and outpatient clinical work, lectures, and administrative work for the Kabarak University Family Medicine Residency. Before his time at the Chogoria Hospital, he worked at Healthcare for the Homeless in Baltimore, Maryland, US.

Dr. Martial Mumbere Vagheni, Neuropsychiatrist, Communauté Baptiste au Centre de l’Afrique (CBCA): Dr. Martial Mumbere Vagheni earned his Doctor of Medicine and Master’s in Neuropsychiatry from the University of Kinshasa. He is especially interested in the mental health challenges of the eastern DRC population. He currently supports the third CBCA Mental Health Programme at the Katwa Hospital and Centre Diaconal Dr Rohland in Butembo, Eastern DRC.

Ms. Margaret Karani, Clinical Psychologist, Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), Kikuyu Hospital: Ms. Margaret Karani has a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is an internationally certified Addiction Professional (ICAP1). She has over ten years of experience working with medical patients and integrating mental health in medical care. She also works to create awareness of mental health in the workplace. Ms. Karani also mentors upcoming psychologists.

Ms. Sanne van Heusden, Chief Operating Officer, Hospitainer: Ms. Sanne van Heusden is a versatile professional with a background in applied psychology, social work, and education. She has also participated in the Young Professional Program for Sustainable Development Goals at UN Global Compact NL. She currently serves as Chief Operating Officer for Hospitainer, also handling IT and communication. Before joining Hospitainer, Ms. van Heusden worked at GGnet as a therapist with clients in crisis situations. She has a degree in social studies and taught English.

Dr. Godfrey Kway, Health Technical Advisor, Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC): Dr. Godfrey Kway is a Health Technical Advisor at CSSC, an umbellar organization with more than 900 Health facilities. He focuses on health system strengthening, performance management, planning and quality improvement. He has experience in advocacy and resource mobilization. He also has experience in capacity building in governance and leadership, performance management and clinical auditing.

2:30 to 4:15 pm Session #2 Community Mental Health Programs

Facilitator: Mrs. Ruth Kayima, Health and Gender Coordinator for East Africa, World Renew: Ruth Kayima is Health and Gender Coordinator for East Africa for World Renew and provides technical support for teams and partners in the design and implementation of community-based programs. She holds a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Nairobi and a Master of Public Health from The Makerere University College of Health Sciences.


Mr. Thomas Atem Aleu Kiir, National Health Coordinator-Juba, World Relief South Sudan: Mr. Thomas Atem Aleu Kiir serves as National Health Coordinator with World Relief South Sudan. He has over 10 years of experience implementing primary and secondary health care services. Mr. Kiir has a Bachelor’s degree in Public health and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in public health. He also has a Higher Diploma in Community health and a Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Public Health. He has managed both community and facility-based health and nutrition programs integrated with mental health packages, including programs at Mother Theresa Hospital in Twic County, Warrap state and Wau Teaching Hospital in Wau county, Western Bahr El Ghazal State.

Mr. James Mwesigwa Lwanga, NCD Partnership Projects Manager, Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau: James Mwesigwa Lwanga is a Project Management Practitioner and Health Services Management advisor with over 15 years of experience in quality and safety improvement strategies that lead to better healthcare services. His areas of expertise include implementation of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), WASH, Infection, Prevention and Control, and capacity building for Community Health Insurance as an alternative to sustainable health financing.

Mr. Jean Marie Vianney Gatete, Executive Secretary, Rwanda Interfaith Council on Health: Mr. Jean Marie Vianney Gatete has a master’s degree in economic science and has extensive experience advocating in health promotion and serving as a leader in faith-based organizations in Rwanda.

Dr. Alex Muhereza, Programs Team Lead, ACHAP: Dr. Alex Muhereza, MD, MPH is a public health professional with 15 years of experience in non-profit organizations. He has extensive experience in health systems strengthening for family planning and maternal, newborn, and child health programs in Uganda, Kenya, Chad, Cameroon, and Nigeria, where he has provided technical oversight for various projects. He recently served as the Deputy Chief of Party and then as Chief of Party for the USAID NPI ACHAP Afya project in Uganda and Kenya.

Mrs. Mary Gitau, Founder and Executive Director, Centre for Suicide Research and Intervention, Kenya: Mrs. Mary Gitau is the Founder and Executive Director of the Centre for Suicide Research and Intervention in Kenya. Mrs. Gitau’s focus is on how to relieve emotional pain and discovering the source of emotional distress. She is dedicated to exploring the unique possibilities of the human organism and its ability to restore natural rhythms and flow that support a life of thriving instead of merely surviving.

Ms. Martha Omar, Mental Health Officer, Kuhenza for the Children: Ms. Martha Omar provides psychological support to children and their parents participating in the programs of Kuhenza for the Children in Kenya. She also strengthens community awareness and support for families impacted by disability by sensitizing local leaders and community members. She has experience providing psychological and psychosocial support to patients in various medical environments, and providing services to youth with drug addictions; sexual and gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health concerns among female youth.

Day 2: 22 May

Worship: Victor Otieno, Pastoral Assistant, Lavington Vineyard Church

Welcome and Announcements: Mr. Manasseh Wekunda, Director, SIL Africa: Mr. Manasseh Wekundah serves as the Director of SIL Africa, Learning & Development. His expertise lies in linguistics and communication, particularly language assessment and mapping. He has led comprehensive baseline assessments for multilingual education across Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the Gambia. Additionally, he plays a pivotal role in fostering collaborative relationships among various stakeholders in the education and health sectors within these regions.

Devotion: Rev. Paul Kîhîro, Wycliffe Africa: Reverend Paul Kîhîro is a trained theologian who works as a missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Africa (Wycliffe Africa), where he is the programs manager. Reverend Kîhîro previously served with FOCUS, a student ministry in Kenya under IFES, where he coordinated leadership and discipleship dockets. He is an ordained minister by PEFA Church, Kenya.

9:45 to 11:15 am Session #3 Maternal Mental Health

Facilitator: Ms. Mona Bormet, Program Director, CCIH: Ms. Mona Bormet, MPH, CHES serves as Program Director for CCIH. Mona directs a global portfolio of initiatives that improve timely access to quality health services in communities and facilities, by working with faith-based partners and CCIH members around the world. Ms. Bormet has been on the CCIH staff since 2010, first focused on US advocacy efforts. Previously, Mona served as Advocacy Program Specialist for the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum. She received the American Public Health Association International Health Section Mid-Career Award in 2023.

Introduction: Ms. Deirdre Church, Program Advisor, CCIH: Ms. Deirdre Church, MPH, serves as Program Coordinator at CCIH, ensuring overall implementation of grant activities in maternal, newborn and child health and family planning. She also tracks and monitors subgrantees’ project activities against grant goals. Prior to joining CCIH, Deirdre worked at the NAACP national headquarters, addressing environmental and climate justice issues that impact communities of color. She also worked for Samaritan’s Purse in South Sudan, writing humanitarian aid grants for health, nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene, food security and livelihoods, and spiritual ministry services.

Speakers and Breakout Room Facilitators

Ms. Subira Lyimo, CPRC Project Coordinator, Christian Social Services Commission of Tanzania: Ms. Subira Lyimo is a nurse and midwife with experience working in several hospitals in Tanzania. She also worked with PharmAccess International as a Senior Quality Improvement Officer. Ms. Lyimo has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery and a Master of Public Health.

Ms. Ruth Gemi, WASH/ Nutrition Program Officer, ACHAP: Ms. Ruth Gemi is a public health practitioner with a clinical background and more than seven years of experience in TB/HIV, adolescent sexual and reproductive health, MCH, IPC/WASH, and nutrition programming. She has broad-ranging experience working with non-profits, including FBOs in emergency and development operations, HSS, and advocacy. She is currently coordinating an IMA-funded project being implemented in eight countries by the Africa Christian Health Associations Platform.

Dr. Susan Njuguna: Dr. Susan Njuguna is a Senior Lecturer at Daystar University in Kenya. She has over 30 years of teaching and clinical practice experience from a Nursing and Health System Management background. She served as a Lecturer and Second Thesis Supervisor at Kenya Methodist University for 12 years and as a Lecturer and Clinical Instructor in Nursing at The Nairobi Hospital for 14 years.

Ms. Elizabeth Munyenge: Ms. Elizabeth Munyenge is a Project Manager with World Relief. She is a Health Professional trained in Community Health and Development, Nursing, Midwifery, Public Health and Nutrition, with over ten years of experience in directing donor-funded health, nutrition and community health projects in humanitarian and development contexts and holds a holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Community Health and Development and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in the same. Ms. Munyenge is Kenyan and has worked in Sudan, South Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya serving in various roles in international organizations such as World Relief, Medair, IRC, ACF, Merlin UK, Tearfund UK, OXFAM GB and the Kenyan Ministry of Health.

Ms. Allison Flynn: Ms. Allison Flynn is a Senior Health and Nutrition Technical Advisor at World Relief. As a global advisor, Allison has been based in Malawi since 2019, where she provides technical support to World Relief’s family-centric reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition portfolio with specific emphasis on programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this role, she has focused on social behavior change through peer support mechanisms such as Care Groups, and has worked to document the ways in which faith communities can be engaged in a meaningful way as a part of community-level behavior change interventions.

Ms. Weanne Estrada-Magbanua, Mental Health Specialist, ADRA International: Ms. Weanne Estrada-Magbanua is a public health professional with experience in mental health research and humanitarian action. She is focused on strengthening community resilience in the face of conflict, disasters, and emergencies and improving the quality of life of displaced populations. Before coming to ADRA International, she was a Project Manager at the Center for Innovation in Mental Health in New York City. Ms. Estrada-Magbanua received a PhD in Public Health from the City University of New York and an MPH from Loma Linda University.

Mrs. Mary Gitau, Founder and Executive Director, Centre for Suicide Research and Intervention, Kenya: Mrs. Mary Gitau is the Founder and Executive Director of the Centre for Suicide Research and Intervention in Kenya. Mrs. Gitau’s focus is on how to relieve emotional pain and discovering the source of emotional distress. She is dedicated to exploring the unique possibilities of the human organism and its ability to restore natural rhythms and flow that support a life of thriving instead of merely surviving.

Mrs. Jannet Opio, Uganda Country Director, LifeNet International: Mrs. Jannet Opio has 20+ years of experience in international development. Prior to joining LifeNet, Jannet served as Chief of Party for the USAID Rwanda Social Marketing Program. She provided strategic leadership for an extensive set of projects, including the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria in Rwanda. Prior to that, Mrs. Opio provided leadership to consortiums in Uganda funded by PEPFAR, including the Human Resources for Health project, Uganda Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (UPHIA).

2:30 to 4:00 pm Session #4 Mental Health for Caregivers

Facilitator: Dr. Samuel Mwenda, General Secretary, CHAK: Dr. Samuel Mwenda, MD has served for more than 20 years as the General Secretary and CEO of the Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK), a membership organization of the Protestant Churches Health Facilities and programs with a membership of 600 health facilities. He chairs the Kenya Faith-based Health Services Consortium, which has steered the development of a tripartite Partnership Framework (MoU) between FBOs and Ministries of Health. Prior to joining CHAK, he served for six years as the CEO of a 250-bed capacity Mission Hospital in Meru County.

Presenters: Ms. Clene Nyiramahoro, Trauma Healing Coordinator, SIL International: Ms. Clene Nyiramahoro works for SIL International as a trauma healing Master Facilitator and coordinator. She is currently working among refugees, mostly living in Africa, but hopes to expand her ministry to refugees living outside Africa as well. She has led trauma healing workshops in different countries hosting refugees in East and Southern Africa and has seen first-hand the impact of that life-changing ministry on people’s lives. She is the author of the book Beyond the Tears: A Story of God’s Faithfulness.

Mrs. Jannet Opio, Uganda Country Director, LifeNet International: Mrs. Jannet Opio has 20+ years of experience in international development. Prior to joining LifeNet, Jannet served as Chief of Party for the USAID Rwanda Social Marketing Program. She provided strategic leadership for an extensive set of projects, including the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria in Rwanda. Prior to that, Mrs. Opio provided leadership to consortiums in Uganda funded by PEPFAR, including the Human Resources for Health project, Uganda Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (UPHIA).

Dr. Proscovia Mugaba, National Chairperson, Uganda Christian Medical Fellowship (UCMF): Dr. Proscovia Mugaba is a medical doctor from Uganda. She completed her medical degree (MBChB) at Makerere University in Uganda in 2003 and subsequently completed training in general pediatrics and pediatric cardiology. She is a clinician, a researcher, and a medical advocate, and is passionate about mentoring students and other health professionals in Uganda.

Ms. Sylvia Namutebi Sewagudde, Nursing Officer, Nurses Christian Fellowship Uganda: Ms. Sylvia Namutebi Sewagudde is a Nursing Officer at the Relife Family Medical Center in Kampala, Uganda. She is the President of the Nurses and Midwives Christian Fellowship Uganda. Previously, she served as a Partner Relations Officer at Global Link Afrika. Ms. Sewagudde studied Nursing and Midwifery at the Mulago School of Nursing and Midwifery.

Day 3: 23 May

Worship: Victor Otieno, Pastoral Assistant, Lavington Vineyard Church

8:30 am Welcome: Dr. Samuel Mwenda, General Secretary, CHAK: Dr. Samuel Mwenda, MD has served for more than 20 years as the General Secretary and CEO of the Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK), a membership organization of the Protestant Churches Health Facilities and programs with a membership of 600 health facilities. He chairs the Kenya Faith-based Health Services Consortium, which has steered the development of a tripartite Partnership Framework (MoU) between FBOs and Ministries of Health. Prior to joining CHAK, he served for six years as the CEO of a 250-bed capacity Mission Hospital in Meru County.

Devotion: Dr. Anne Tweheyo Otwine, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Bishop Stuart University: Dr. Otwine Anne Tweheyo is a lecturer at Bishop Stuart University in Uganda and serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences. Previously, she taught at Uganda Christian University and in secondary schools. She has a PhD in Fellowship Psychology from Makerere University, a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Uganda Christian University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Makerere University.

9:00 to 11:00 am Session #5 Crafting a Culture of Staff Resilience and Well-being: Challenges and Opportunities

Facilitators: Ms. Weanne Estrada-Magbanua, Mental Health Specialist, ADRA International: Ms. Weanne Estrada-Magbanua is a public health professional with experience in mental health research and humanitarian action. She is focused on strengthening community resilience in the face of conflict, disasters, and emergencies and improving the quality of life of displaced populations. Before coming to ADRA International, she was a Project Manager at the Center for Innovation in Mental Health in New York City. Ms. Estrada-Magbanua received her MPH from Loma Linda University and is currently completing her PhD in Community Health and Health Policy from the City University of New York.

Mr. Paul Apedha, Health Coordinator, ADRA Yemen: Mr. Paul Ngere Apedha is a Kenyan registered Community Health Nurse/Midwife with rich experience in the full range of primary health care and management across the project cycle. He has worked in both urban and rural health care facilities across Kenya and complex humanitarian contexts, including an IOM Ebola treatment unit in Liberia and his current position for ADRA Yemen.

Presenters and Panel Discussants:

Mrs. Millicent Muthoni Muriuki, Clinical Psychologist, Kijabe Hospital: Mrs. Millicent Muthoni Muriuki is a clinical psychologist who leads a team at AIC Kijabe Hospital, one of Kenya’s largest mission hospitals. She received her diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Mrs. Muriuki later pursued a higher diploma in psychiatry and a Master’s in Clinical Psychology. During her time caring for HIV patients and managing an HIV training program, she noticed an unmet need in mental health care.

Ms. Mwaka Namwinga, People and Culture Manager, Access to Health, Zambia: Ms. Mwaka Namwinga is a Human Resources professional with more than 13 years of experience in human resources and administration. She is experienced in performance management, talent acquisition and management, employee relations, full-cycle recruitment, and compensation and benefits administration. Since 2020, Ms. Namwinga has been the People and Culture Manager at Access to Health Zambia. She is responsible for implementing programs, tools, and processes to position the organization for high performance.

Ms. Hannah Ndungu, Emergency Management Director, ADRA Africa Regional Office: Ms. Hannah Ndungu is a principled professional with over 20 years of experience in development and humanitarian programming. She has worked with ADRA in different positions in Rwanda, Somalia, and DR Congo. She is currently with ADRA Africa working as Emergency Management Director providing leadership and technical support to 27 ADRA Country Offices in the region. She has contributed greatly to building the capacity of women and youths in churches in West Africa, East, and Southern Africa in disaster risk reduction.


Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) and SIL International


More About Our Sponsors


Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)






African Christian Health Association Platform (ACHAP)

SIL International

Restoring Vision

MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership


CURE International

Friends of Kijabe