Community-Based Prevention and Care, Connector Articles, Featured

Navigating One Crisis Helped Prepare for Another: AMOS Health & Hope Responds to COVID-19 in Nicaragua

July 17, 2020

By Taylor Carty, CCIH Intern, Pepperdine University Student “We were paralyzed by shock at first,” said Dr. Gabriela Woo, Country Director for CCIH member AMOS Health and Hope. In April 2018, no one in Nicaragua was expecting or was prepared for the sociopolitical crisis that began after protesters...

by Guest Contributor

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Connector Articles, COVID-19

COVID-19 Check in with CCIH Affiliate MUSUHUM in Niger and Benin

May 28, 2020

We checked in with Dr. Stachys Hounkpatin, Program Officer with CCIH affiliate Mouvement Universel pour la Survie de l’Humanité, working in Niger and Benin, for an update on their response to COVID-19. We understand MUSUHUM (Mouvement Universel pour la Survie de l’Humanité) has two clinics in Niger, what...

by Kathy Erb

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Connector Articles

Getting the Most out of the CCIH Virtual Conference

May 28, 2020

You want to get the most out of the CCIH virtual conference but you may be new to online learning events. Over the last eight years I have been designing educational outreach for learners to get the most out of their time online. Many of the lessons I...

by Guest Contributor

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Connector Articles, COVID-19

SANRU in the DRC Shares COVID-19 Strategies and Challenges

April 28, 2020

We checked in with Malonga Miatudila, MD, MPH, Senior Public Health Specialist with CCIH member SANRU near Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to ask about the COVID-19 situation in the area and how SANRU is responding to the pandemic. What is the community around...

by Kathy Erb

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