Family Planning

Family Planning Critical to Church Role in Health Care

August 22, 2012

According to Joseph Oyongo of the Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK), CHAK provides health care and healing on behalf of the Christian church, including helping families safely space the births of their children. Faith-based organizations provide roughly 30 percent of all health care in Kenya, making them a...

by Kathy Erb

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Family Planning

Faith-based Organization Provide Family Planning Where Few Options Exist

August 22, 2012

Based on an interview with Dr. Eoba Lubunga of the Free Methodist Church in DRC. 2012 – Women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) face incredible hurdles. The Congolese people have suffered from years of conflict and sexual violence against women. Adding to this burden for women...

by Kathy Erb

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Family Planning

Why So Many Women in South Sudan Die Young

July 22, 2012

2013 – A woman in South Sudan has a one in seven chance of dying in childbirth. The nation has an astonishingly high maternal mortality rate of 2,054 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. To put this in perspective, the maternal mortality rate in Ghana is 350 maternal deaths per 100,000...

by Kathy Erb

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