CCIH Webinars, Vaccines

Key Takeaways from Strategic Engagement of Religious Leaders in COVID-19 Vaccination Webinar

October 15, 2021

“Religious factors are the third most frequently cited reason for not getting vaccinated, and so the voice of the religious community is absolutely critical,” said Ellyn Ogden, MPH, USAID Coordinator for Polio Eradication and COVID-19 Vaccine Access in a webinar co-hosted by World Vision and CCIH on October...


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Maternal and Child Health, Trip Report

Connecting with Partners in Sierra Leone to Enhance Maternal Child Health and WASH

October 8, 2021

By Carolyn O’Brien, CCIH Program Coordinator and Faith Engagement Team, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership With warm Freetown sand in my toes, I said a silent prayer of thanks for field visits as I watched the sun set on the West African coast. Due to COVID-19, this is...


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Country Spotlight Series, Featured, Health Systems Strengthening

Faith-Based Organizations Providing Health Care in Zambia

July 29, 2021

Faith-based organizations (FBO) play a significant role in providing healthcare in Zambia. This spotlight features a few FBOs, including the Churches Health Association of Zambia, Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB Zambia), and World Renew Zambia, and their work in family planning, immunization, nutrition, WASH, and overall health systems...


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Country Spotlight Series, Health Systems Strengthening

Faith-Based Organizations Providing Health Care in Nigeria

June 28, 2021

Faith-based organizations (FBO) play a significant role in providing healthcare in Nigeria. This spotlight features the work of a few FBOs, including the Christian Health Association of Nigeria, Rural Health Services, Isaiah 58 Care Foundation, Life Builders Ministries International, and World Renew. These organizations are working in family...


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