A Biblical Basis for Planning Families
Reverend Moses Kayimba of the St. Apollo Namasuba Parish in Uganda describes family planning as a tool to help couples decide how many children they will have and how they will support them. “It’s about planning and preparing for a family so they can have a decent life,”...
Religious Leaders Provide Health as well as “Food for the Soul”
For the past eight years, Agnes (shown above) has been going to the Kyando Bishop Health Centre in southeast Uganda to access family planning care. “I chose to use family planning to space my children,” says Agnes, who has three children and would like two more. Agnes was...
Connector Articles, Family Planning
A Message of Thanks from Uganda to the American People
U.S. support for global health programs are having significant impact across the globe, something that Olivia Nangendo the Human Resources and Administration Manager at St. Stephen’s Hospital, in Kampala, Uganda witnesses first hand. The hospital is owned by the Anglican Church of Uganda in Mpererwe in the Namirembe...
Connector Articles, Faith and Work
Bolstering Professional Work with Personal Faith
by Elizabeth Chung Christians have cared for the sick and advocated for issues like global health for a very long time. As I am also walking through this myself, I wanted to explore this calling and to learn from people who are living it out in their lives....