Connector Articles, Vaccines

Vaccine Distribution and Hesitancy in the COVID-19 Era

July 29, 2020

by Taylor Carty, Pepperdine University Student and CCIH Communications and Advocacy Intern Since the rise of COVID-19 around the world, billions of dollars have been invested toward finding a vaccine. The unprecedented nature of this pandemic brings with it both familiar and unique challenges for the global health community, one…


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Community-Based Prevention and Care, Connector Articles, Featured

Navigating One Crisis Helped Prepare for Another: AMOS Health & Hope Responds to COVID-19 in Nicaragua

July 17, 2020

By Taylor Carty, CCIH Intern, Pepperdine University Student “We were paralyzed by shock at first,” said Dr. Gabriela Woo, Country Director for CCIH member AMOS Health and Hope. In April 2018, no one in Nicaragua was expecting or was prepared for the sociopolitical crisis that began after protesters...

by Guest Contributor

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Faith and Work

Transforming Organizations for Holistic Care

July 13, 2020

By Daniel Speckhard, President and CEO of IMA World Health This year’s CCIH conference theme of holistic care for mind, body and spirit especially resonated for me. From our discussions about humanitarian emergencies, mental health and sexual and gender-based violence, as well as poverty and access to quality...

by Guest Contributor

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Community-Based Prevention and Care

Mobilizing Neighbor Mothers as a Source of Holistic Care for TB

June 24, 2020

By Amberle Brown, World Relief When we think of holistic care, perhaps the first images that come to mind are of doctors caring for malnourished children or pastors encouraging HIV prevention. But often, holistic care comes from those immediately around us – our neighbors, the women that we...

by Guest Contributor

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