Faith and Health, Sponsor

Cultivating Unity in Global Health

May 5, 2021

At Health for All Nations we greatly value unity in the Church. It reminds us of one of the most beautiful but one of the least achieved aspects of Jesus’ teaching. We find it in the High Priestly Prayer and summarized in large part in John 17:21 –...

by Guest Contributor

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Faith and Health

The US Church in a Time of COVID

April 30, 2021

Speaking with a Divided Voice: The US Church in a Time of COVID By Ryan Dalforno and Doug Fountain Summary The global COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity for the global church to shine. In the U.S., global church membership is declining and more people are accessing church resources...


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Speaker Bios: CCIH 2021 Session 6

April 27, 2021

Session 6: Unity In Strong Health Systems May 27, 2021 from 8 – 11am ET -> Conference Home Speaker Bios


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Speaker Bios: CCIH 2021 Session 5

April 27, 2021

Session 5: Unity In Technology May 25, 2021 from 8 – 11am ET -> Conference Home Speaker Bios


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