Close Up, Connector Articles

Close-Up: Josue Orellana, Adventist Development and Relief Agency International

March 21, 2022

From serving as a public health clinician to working in various global health roles, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International’s Josue Orellana’s passion lies in his work and the people he serves. As Director for Health, Nutrition, and WASH at ADRA International, Orellana’s primary responsibilities are to...

by Hannah Fields

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2022 CCIH Conferencia

March 18, 2022

Amar a nuestro prójimo: una respuesta Cristiana a un mundo cambiante CCIH llevará a cabo una conferencia anual virtual en 2022 y queremos que seas parte de la conversación. Aunque nos encantaría conocernos en persona, nuestra realidad global es que viajar a los Estados Unidos sigue siendo un...


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2022 CCIH Conférence

March 18, 2022

Aimer notre voisin: une réponse chrétienne à un monde qui change CCIH tiendra une conférence annuelle virtuelle en 2022, et nous souhaitons que vous participiez à la conversation. Bien que nous aimerions nous rencontrer en personne, notre réalité mondiale est que voyager aux États-Unis reste un défi pour...


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Connector Articles

Honoring Dr. Peter Okaalet: A Faith-Inspired Global Health Hero

February 17, 2022

“Most of the mission-based hospitals are in the rural areas where governments cannot reach. Where the road for the four-wheel-drive stops, the pastor gets on his bicycle. Where the bike path stops, the pastor lays it aside and goes on foot.” – Dr. Peter Okaalet Dr. Peter Okaalet...


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