CCIH offers membership to individuals and to Christian organizations working in International Health and Development. Additional organizations may join the CCIH network as affiliates.

Please Note: New Policy for LMIC Members

In 2024, CCIH began collecting dues from low- and middle-income country members (LMIC) when they first join CCIH, but not after that. To continue as an active member in good standing, LMIC members need to engage with CCIH. See this message to members from CCIH Executive Director Doug Fountain for more about this change.

Type of MembershipAmount (USD)
Individuals (High Income Country)$100
Student, Recent Graduate$50
Low- and Middle-Income Country & Limited Income$50

Log in to pay dues to renew your membership, or to create an account here.

Cash Income (High-Income Countries)MemberAffiliate
<$1 Million$400$800
$1 Million to $2 Million$750$1500
$2 Million to $5 Million$1250$2500
$5 Million to $10 Million$1750$3500
$10 Million to $25 Million$2250$4500
$25 Million to $50 Million$3000$6000
>$50 Million$4000$8000
Cash Income (Low/Middle Income Countries)Member/Affiliate
<$1 Million$100
>$1 Million$200

Dues Schedules

Please note that organizations and affiliates will receive an invoice for annual dues. If you have questions, email Rhina Zavala, Finance Manager at Rhina.Zavala (at)

Member and affiliate dues are based on the calendar year and must be renewed annually. Low- and middle-income countries are defined by the World Bank here.

Type of MemberDues Amount (USD)
Student Club (High-income Country)$100
University/College Department (High-income country)$400
Entire College/University (High-income country)$850
Low/Middle-Income Country University/College or Group$200

Dues Schedules

Please note that colleges and universities will receive an invoice for annual dues. If you have questions, email Rhina Zavala, Finance Manager at Rhina.Zavala (at)

Member and affiliate dues are based on the calendar year and must be renewed annually. Low- and middle-income countries are defined by the World Bank here.

Organizations, affiliates, and universities will receive an invoice. Individual members can pay through our membership portal at the link below.

Paying by PayPal
You may pay via PayPal using this CCIH PayPal link, or find us on PayPal by searching for ccihmembers or the email address: ccih (at)

Paying by Check
To pay your dues by check, please make the check payable to CCIH or Christian Connections for International Health, and send it to

5810 Kingstowne Center Drive
Suite 120-764
Alexandria, VA, 22315, USA

Individual Members

Log in or create an account to pay here.


Membership Benefits